‘Girls’ vision for the future’ is the theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl Child which fell on 11 October. This theme “conveys both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.”

Girls are disproportionately affected by conflict and crises, and this is compounded in countries like Nepal where menstrual stigma and restrictions prevent girls from achieving their full rights and capabilities.

The MeJARa project explores what matters most to girls regarding menstruation, with the aim of tackling menstrual injustice in low-income countries, focusing specifically on Nepal and Guatemala. Through the voices and realities of adolescent girls we hope to inform policies regarding menstruation and ultimately help girls to lead healthier and fuller lives so that they can achieve their visions for the future. We are working with partners in Nepal and Guatemala to ensure that our research is appropriate to the contexts we are working in and has a sustainable and meaningful impact for girls.

Day of the Girl Child serves as a useful reminder that listening to girls and prioritising their needs can have widespread positive impacts.

Written by:

Josephine Mcallister